What Is Peptide Therapy?
Before getting into what peptide therapy is, let’s first define what peptides are: peptides are natural signaling molecules in the human body that have varied functions and decrease as we age. The FDA defines a peptide as a molecule made from 50 or less amino acids that have a specific function in the body.
To date, over 70,000 naturally occurring peptides have been identified. Insulin, a commonly used substance, is actually 2 peptide chains that are linked together. Because peptides naturally exist in the body, they are typically well-tolerated and very safe when given with peptide therapy.
Peptide therapy incorporates specifically designed molecules that can be used to support muscle function, help with weight loss, balance hormones, heal from injuries, boost immunity, and assist with many other functions. Peptides communicate with different parts of the body, potentially enhancing the function of the entire body by binding to receptors on the cell surface and signaling optimal messages for health improvement.
Who Can Benefit from Peptide Therapy?
Peptide therapy helps with a diverse range of conditions. Just a few examples include:
Weight management
Autoimmune disorders
Balancing hormones
Tissue repair, including joints, tendons and ligaments, and bone
Enhancing growth hormone production
Muscle building/definition
Cellular energy production
Protect cells/decrease oxidative stress
Hair growth
Inflammatory diseases
Insomnia and stress disorders
Improving sexual disorders and erectile dysfunction
Alzheimer’s Disease/improve cognition
Peptides Commonly Used in Peptide Therapy
This is a very small sampling of some of the therapies that are available and used:
To find out more about this cutting edge therapy, and to see if it’s right for you, please contact us.
*we do not offer a la carte pricing on peptide therapies