Liz Vander Leeuw graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition seven years ago … but instead of looking outside for others to help, she focused inward as her own first client. Her success began then, as she personally overcame multiple diagnoses which affected her gut, skin, and mental health. Liz has been health coaching ever since, and considers it her life’s work: to support those who are on a journey to optimal wellness.
Working with clients who want to thrive instead of survive is at the heart of Liz’s passion points. A busy mom of two young girls, she knows firsthand how challenging it can be to maintain balance and a healthy lifestyle while taking care of others. She enjoys helping her clients work through similar struggles that she has overcome with her professional background and real world experience.
Giving back and social responsibility are also of the utmost importance to Liz. Her previous career was in philanthropy in Washington, DC. Liz currently serves on the Board of Myers Park Methodist Church, and her family volunteers avidly with local organizations.
Residents of Charlotte for the past five years, Liz enjoys spending time outside with her husband and their two daughters along with their bernedoodle puppy, Lane. Liz holds a B.A. in Public Communication and a B.A. in Political Science from American University.