Project Description

Published April 4, 2022

Steve’s Success Story

Last summer, Steve W. was diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease. This came as a big surprise to him, since he had no symptoms whatsoever. What he did have, however, were questions. What caused it? How severe was it? And how could he move forward?

The diagnosis left him seeking a lipid specialist, which is how he found Companion Health. Dr. Jorge confirmed the diagnosis, which indicated early disease stages. He derived a game plan for Steve, who hasn’t looked back since. In fact, our latest Member of the Month has had a list of successes that he hadn’t even considered at the initial diagnosis.

Steve’s efforts to balance out his gut (supported by advanced diagnostic testing) included focusing on organic, grass-fed ingredients, eliminating processed foods, sugar and artificial sweeteners. He admits that this area was highly successful thanks to his support team, to include his loving wife and daughter-in-law, both who enjoy cooking homemade meals from scratch.

Another area of focus: movement. This was geared towards cardiovascular health and strength conditioning.

In August 2021, Steve’s exercise routine looked like this:

Walking: 30-40 minutes/day 3-4 x’s/week
Total steps: 8k – 10k/day 3-4 x’s/week

Bi-weekly meetings with his health coach helped him to up it to the following:

Walking: 60 minutes/day 6-7 x’s/week
Total steps: 12k-14k/day 6-7 x’s/week

He added strength classes in 4 x’s per week to support his strength conditioning goal.

Steve’s wine consumption decreased by half.

He dropped 24 pounds.

In an effort to reconnect with others after retirement, he found a Bible study with other retirees in the same industry. Talk about a win-win!

Forever fond of spending time with his two grandchildren, Steve spends more time with them, helps on projects for his immediate family, and is living a balanced, well-rounded life. What began as an undesirable diagnosis has bloomed into a thriving, beautiful experience that we are grateful to have been a part of!