Project Description

Published March 19, 2021

Theresa’s Success Story

No stranger to success, Theresa was a music major in college and on track to become an opera singer with the Met. Then life threw her a curveball, and her music took a sideline (but remained a passionate pursuit) while she worked her way up into the highest ranks of a large financial institution here in Charlotte. After years of traveling and logging many hours at work, after helping organizations right side themselves up, stress had taken its toll and she was ready for a change.

But retirement combined with quarantine brought on an unexpected situation.

So many times we think that “getting healthy” means cleaning up our diet and adding exercise to the mix. But for Theresa, finding a new purpose and challenge was just what the doctor ordered.

Flash forward 6 months, and Theresa has adjusted wonderfully and continues to make positive changes on a daily basis.

Theresa was recently asked to head up a board—something that she initially thought would be the next chapter for her. But she’s finding that her true passion is actually helping others develop professionally. Specifically, she is pursuing executive coaching with women primarily in mind. In addition, she’s found the love of movement and enjoys a daily ritual of yoga, a walk, or sometimes both with her husband, Rob. Exercising together has given them a stronger connection, and they’ve both felt the health benefits of it as well.

And last but definitely not least, she’s become much more in tune with her body. It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday stressors that we all face, and sometimes stepping back can be the most valuable thing for all of us. Our bodies speak to us; they tell us exactly what they need. It’s up to us to listen.

Congratulations on your successes thus far, Theresa—we look forward to continue watching you grow.